On September 12, 2024, it was exactly 80 years ago that the first American soldiers entered the Netherlands through the Limburg border village of Mesch. Together with the National Committee May 4 and 5, Province of Limburg, Liberation Committee Mesch, Foundation Honor Netherlands American Cemetery and many other organizations and volunteers a fantastic national start of 80 years of freedom was organized. With a program for young and old.
Visit by King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima.
After an impressive ceremony, the royal couple and the veterans toured Mesch. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima visited, among other things, the pop-up museum, a field hospital, a colorful flower carpet made by the community of Mesch and they were welcomed by the jonkheid. In the garden of the rectory there were special conversations with eyewitnesses. These eyewitnesses experienced the liberation of their village and later of the Netherlands in Mesch 80 years ago. The tour through Mesch ended on the village meadow. Here 450 children from all elementary school in our municipality were engaged in various freedom activities. Dance, music, freedom strategy, conversations with veterans and more. Our freedom was celebrated with a sparkling final show with the royal couple, all children and a fly-over.